As a kinesiologist, today I would like to draw your attention to anger, which I associate with guilt, which is really just anger directed at yourself rather than at others.
Anger comes from a feeling of injustice, of disrespect for our values. It is the combative dimension of the "fight or flight mode" which is our body's archaic response to danger.
Anger triggers a series of chemical chain reactions in the brain and the body: the limbic brain takes over, the body tenses up, the secretion of adrenaline increases, the heart rate quickens, blood pressure rises. The liver and gall bladder are particularly stressed. For five minutes of anger, it takes five hours for your body to free itself from all the toxins it generates *.
Anger prompts us to act and to make the situation we are facing fairer. We can subconsciously ignore our anger and find a way to distract ourselves from it. In this case, it only grows and affects our mood and our body in the long term. We become incapable of responding to a situation with hindsight and objectivity.
It is important to identify the source of anger.
For example, if at the office one of our colleagues reaps the fruits of our work, we fume at the injustice! For some reason we can't say what we think right away. We come home and our child or spouse makes an unfortunate remark. There is now a risk that this anger caused by the events at the office will be released, and there is a good chance it will be completely disproportionate and directed at the wrong person.
Or, as a child, we are scolded by a parent in a way we found unfair. We cannot answer, anger rises. If the situation happen and happen again, anger might accumulate all along our life somewhere in our body and this can lead to diseases.
Our anger today often resonates with our childhood experiences.
As an adult, one way to deal with our anger is to find a way to make the situation fairer for us. If this is not possible, we have to forgive ourselves or the other person. Anger harms oneself before it harms others; it eats away at us.
Thanks to kinesiology, I myself have managed to put words to certain repetitive and disabling behaviors and patterns in my daily life.
Understanding the source of our reactions and our anger today and getting rid of certain modes of operation that no longer serve us through energy rebalancing is really useful.
Next time, I would like to talk about sadness...

Illustration Clemence Renault,