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Why forgive yourself and others is good for our physical and mentale health?
the greatest gift... It is a declaration of love to ourselves and to others. Forgiveness is a response to the anger that hurts us.

We project onto the world what is happening inside us.
Have you ever had the experience of meeting a friend who is angry or sad, then leaving them feeling angry or sad yourself?

Resolving our inner conflicts
We're not equal when it comes to the difficulty of making a choice. Choosing is the result of a more or less violent internal bargainning

Le deuil : un processus de transformation
Nous étions fille/fils de et d’un coup nous sommes orphelins. Nous étions mari/femme de, maintenant nous sommes célibataires....

Four planes of exploration
To treat an illness, pain or mental state, we need to explore what is happening at each level. physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

How to support the healing power of our body? (1/4)
Energy is our fuel. It flows both within us and outside of us. The energy within us is fed by the air we breathe, the food we eat...

Family gathering, with all its ups and downs!
This time of the year is often rich in emotions: joy, excitement, anxiety, anger, disappointment, frustration...

Relax your body to balance your mind
Reconnecting the spirit and the mind to the body allows us to be much more present and creative in our lives.

Relaxer son corps pour équilibrer son esprit.
La pensée est souvent créatrice.
Et, nous attirons à nous ce que nous émettons, et cela en fonction de ce que nous pensons être vrai.

The Urgent need to take our time.
The Urgent need to take our time.
...taking time to look after our bodies and taking time to listen to them...

How to transform our suffering?
Suffering is pain that sets in over time; it’s personal and difficult to measure... Suffering ends up numbing the body and the mind...

Comment transformer notre souffrance ?
La souffrance, c’est la douleur qui s’installe dans le temps, qui est personnelle et difficilement mesurable. Elle finit par anesthésier...

The power of our beliefs
Our opinions are not set in stone. Questioning a negative belief can enable us to adjust a behavioural pattern that troubles us.

Quel pouvoir ont nos croyances ?
Nos opinions ne sont pas figées. Questionner une croyance négative peut nous permettre d’adapter un comportement qui nous dérange.

Two ways to cope with stress during the Covid-19 pandemic
An emotional shock, a significant loss associated with a feeling of abandonment can engender a visceral need to be good to ourselves...

La gestion du stress pendant la crise du Covid-19 : la prise de poids et le sport
Un choc émotionnel, une perte importante associée à un sentiment d’abandon peuvent engendrer un besoin viscéral de se faire du bien

La joie est contagieuse !
La joie est cet état d’équilibre que nous cherchons en permanence à atteindre et qui mène au bonheur.

Let the Joy flow!
Joy is that state of balance that we constantly seek to achieve, and which leads to happiness.

What is boredom telling us ?
Boredom demands a challenge, something that makes us grow and evolve. It is beneficial and even necessary, if it is temporary...

Que nous dit l'ennui ?
L’ennui nous demande un changement, un challenge, quelque chose qui nous fasse grandir, évoluer.
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