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Family gathering, with all its ups and downs!
This time of the year is often rich in emotions: joy, excitement, anxiety, anger, disappointment, frustration...
The Urgent need to take our time.
The Urgent need to take our time.
...taking time to look after our bodies and taking time to listen to them...
How to transform our suffering?
Suffering is pain that sets in over time; it’s personal and difficult to measure... Suffering ends up numbing the body and the mind...
Comment transformer notre souffrance ?
La souffrance, c’est la douleur qui s’installe dans le temps, qui est personnelle et difficilement mesurable. Elle finit par anesthésier...
What is boredom telling us ?
Boredom demands a challenge, something that makes us grow and evolve. It is beneficial and even necessary, if it is temporary...
Something to know about fear...
Fear arises from projecting into the future the possible repetition of past events and unwanted emotions.
Que nous dit la peur ?
La peur est issue d’une projection dans le futur de la possible répétition d’évènements du passé et d’émotions non souhaitées.
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